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Writer's pictureGlobal Village Housing

What do you see in this picture?

I have an eight year old daughter, bright eyed and determined. My two year old son is boisterous and cheeky. They have no concept of how privileged they are to have the luxury of filling their bellies whenever they’re hungry by simply opening a fridge full of fresh food.

They know how passionate I am about helping the people of Cambodia and I often share photos or videos. I showed them this photo that our friend Sam Townend (Global Village Housing Operations Manager) sent of the school we will be re-building in Battambang.

I asked my daughter “what do you notice?”. She said “mmm... he has no shoes Mummy”.

His dusty feet captured me too. I wonder how far he has walked to school? or if he has even had a bite to eat that day. I met with Soksan the Regional Manager of Sunrise Cambodia last week. He explained that one water well means that a child can fill a bottle on the way to school and have water to drink. Without a well, they may not drink at all that day.

The School Project will help deliver a wish list of items to improve school life including things like building a fresh water well. Life-changing for just $300.

Our project will also include the packaging and gifting of School Kits. It means that every student will receive a brand new uniform, school bag, shoes and learning resources. At this point in time, they do not know what it’s like to have a new pair of shoes.

We will all make a difference. Keep an eye out on the School Kits when we launch them in the coming weeks.

Until next time!

Emma Allen x


p.s. So I showed my 2-yr old son the same photo and asked the same question, he replied “there feets are dirty. I gots shoes mummy. I go get some from the shops for dem”. I you could buddy xx

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